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Corporate Services:

We offer extensive services to our corporate clients.

The range is from offering commercial space for lease, retail space, interim space solutions and residential Sale and lease options to the company's employees.

Tenant services include strategic planning, demographic and site consulting, financial analysis and post-occupancy services.

Tenant services include strategic planning, demographic and site consulting, financial analysis and post-occupancy services.

- Tenant representation.
-Landlord representation.
- Market analysis and location preferences.
- lease negotiation.
- Transaction management.

Personalized services:

Sourcing the most Investment-worthy properties
Checking Legalities and verifying documents
Liaising with owners
Negotiating the most suitable terms
Assessment and valuation of property

Our specialization:

Commercial - Showrooms, Offices, Restaurants, Plots.
Residential - Apartments, Villas, Houses, Vacant Land, Farm Houses.
Industrial - Godown, Warehouse, Vacant Land etc. Agricultural - Land